The mountain name I summit is not on your mountain list, what should I do?
The majority of the mountains in our system are defined according to the suggestions of our users.

If you want to suggest a mountain above 2500 m which is not in our system, by clicking the 'Add Mountain' button on your profile page;
  • The country where the mountain is located, from the country selection box,
  • The city where the mountain is located, from the city selection box
  • Select the height range of the mountain from the height range selection box,

and you can suggest the mountain by entering the information about the height of the mountain, the name of the mountain and the mountain, if any.

In case your recommendation is found appropriate after we have made the necessary checks and evaluations, the opening process of the mountain you have sent is sent to you and a confirmation e-mail is sent to you.

The vast majority of mountains by country are defined by our system. For this reason, before making the mountain recommendation, make a transaction by checking the registered mountains from our 'Summit Record' screen.
Warning :
The height of the mountain recommended for our operation should be minimum 2.500 m. Therefore, mountain recommendations under 2.500 m. are not taken into consideration.
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